Just watched Muallaf, a very thought-provoking, religion-centered movie from late Yasmin Ahmad. Watching Muallaf actually gave me the creeps because I was subtly "forced" to think and re-evaluate.
Before I continue, let me just put up a short note here: I'll be writing a short review on Muallaf in the next post. For this post, I just want to share my thoughts pertaining to re-evaluation.
Do you know the reason certain ones would turn cold and away from God during certain times of their life? It's because they're hurt by someone, something, or some matters and they can't get over it. I can't remember the exact words spoken by Rohani in the movie but that's the zest. Verily, verily I say unto thee, it's very true. I went through that, I understood it very well. I hope I won't go through it again, ever.
My inner being is easily shaken. When it's hurt, it HURTS. Worse still, the tendency to repress the truest feelings in me and the foolishness of acting as if nothing happens are the main source of this unsettling inner turbulence. I need to re-evaluate this weakness. Come to think of it, this ultra-sensitive sensor in me must be attuned so that my heart is sensitive towards God and His speaking, not towards anything else.
A verse came to me, Psa. 46:10, "Be still and know that I'm God."
Another one, Psa. 62:5, as below:
Help me to wait quietly before You, O Lord, for my hope is in You, not in anything else. Lord, let me be able to declare:
Before I continue, let me just put up a short note here: I'll be writing a short review on Muallaf in the next post. For this post, I just want to share my thoughts pertaining to re-evaluation.
Do you know the reason certain ones would turn cold and away from God during certain times of their life? It's because they're hurt by someone, something, or some matters and they can't get over it. I can't remember the exact words spoken by Rohani in the movie but that's the zest. Verily, verily I say unto thee, it's very true. I went through that, I understood it very well. I hope I won't go through it again, ever.
My inner being is easily shaken. When it's hurt, it HURTS. Worse still, the tendency to repress the truest feelings in me and the foolishness of acting as if nothing happens are the main source of this unsettling inner turbulence. I need to re-evaluate this weakness. Come to think of it, this ultra-sensitive sensor in me must be attuned so that my heart is sensitive towards God and His speaking, not towards anything else.
A verse came to me, Psa. 46:10, "Be still and know that I'm God."
Another one, Psa. 62:5, as below:

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